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If you don’t already have a hot water tank, we will need to install one so that your heat pump can provide your hot water as well as heating your home. Another option is to install a Hybrid heat pump which works alongside your existing combination boiler so there isn’t a need for a hot water tank.

The size of your home determines which size heat pump is needed to produce heat as efficiently as possible.

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Unfortunately, we are unable to offer heat pump installations for flats, apartments or mid-terrace properties at this time.

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UK Insulation Costs in 2024

insulation cost in the uk
  • 23th April 2024
  • estimated reding time: minutes

Understanding insulation costs and their impact on energy efficiency and environmental sustainability is more important than ever for UK homeowners. With the right insulation, homes are not only warmer and more energy-efficient but also contribute to a greener planet. ByEco stands ready to help you navigate the choices and incentives available to make your home insulation both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

To ensure the right choice for your home, it's crucial to understand the different types of wall insulation. Below, we offer a side-by-side comparison of solid wall insulation and cavity wall insulation, highlighting how each type is uniquely suited to certain home constructions to improve energy efficiency. As we explore the details, we will evaluate the cost-effectiveness and environmental impacts, guiding you to an informed choice that suits your specific home structure and ecological priorities.

wall insulation in the uk

Expected Savings for Various Insulation Types

Understanding the potential savings associated with different types of home insulation is essential for homeowners considering energy efficiency upgrades.

The table below outlines average annual savings and expected payback periods for various insulation methods.

Insulation Type Average Annual Savings(GBP) Expected Payback Period(Years)
Cavity Wall Insulation £200 - £250 2 - 5
Solid Wall Insulation £250 - £400 5 - 10
Loft Insulation £150 - £220 2 - 3
Flat/Pitched Roof Insulation £200 - £300 3 - 6
Underfloor Insulation £100 - £150 3 - 5
Park Home Insulation £300 - £500 5 - 8
Solid Floor Insulation £150 - £250 3 - 6
Room-in-Roof Insulation £200 - £350 4 - 7

These estimates are based on factors such as insulation material, installation quality, and regional climate conditions. It's important to note that actual savings may vary depending on individual circumstances.

Factors Influencing Insulation Costs

Property Size:

The size of your property directly affects the amount of required insulation materials. Larger homes require more insulation materials, leading to higher costs due to increased surface area.

The table below provides the cost range for each insulation type:

Insulation Methods:

Different insulation methods affect overall costs. Factors such as material type, installation complexity, and equipment requirements contribute to variations in pricing.

The table below provides a breakdown of each insulation method for different insulation types:

Installation Complexity:

Standard Installations:
Standard installations involve straightforward processes with easy access to the installation area. This includes properties with simple layouts and no significant obstacles or challenges.

Challenging Installation:
Challenging installations refer to properties with complex layouts, inaccessible areas, or unique architectural features that require additional time and effort to complete. This may include properties with limited access to the installation area, obstacles such as pipework or electrical fixtures, or irregular wall surfaces. Challenging installations generally incur higher labour costs due to the increased complexity of the work.

Longevity of Each Insulation Material

In addition to considering the initial costs of insulation, understanding the durability of insulation materials is essential for homeowners considering insulation upgrades.

Fibreglass Insulation: Fibreglass insulation is known for its durability and can last for several decades when properly installed and maintained. With minimal degradation over time, fibreglass insulation offers long-lasting thermal performance and remains an affordable option for homeowners.

Cellulose Insulation: Made from recycled paper and treated with fire-retardant chemicals, cellulose insulation is an eco-friendly option with a lifespan comparable to fibreglass insulation. When installed correctly, cellulose insulation can provide effective thermal protection for many years.

Spray Foam Insulation: Spray foam insulation, known for its superior sealing properties and energy efficiency, boasts a longer lifespan compared to traditional insulation materials. With proper installation and maintenance, spray foam insulation can last for several decades while maintaining its performance.

Mineral Wool Insulation: Mineral wool insulation, derived from natural minerals like basalt or rock, offers excellent fire resistance and durability. With a lifespan similar to fibreglass insulation, mineral wool insulation provides reliable thermal insulation for residential properties.

Polystyrene Insulation: Expanded and extruded polystyrene insulation, commonly known as EPS and XPS, respectively, offer exceptional thermal insulation properties and moisture resistance. While both types of polystyrene insulation have a relatively long lifespan, XPS insulation tends to be more durable and resistant to moisture infiltration.

By considering the longevity of each insulation material, you can make informed decisions when selecting the most suitable option for your insulation needs. Investing in high-quality insulation with a long lifespan ensures lasting comfort, energy efficiency, and cost savings for years to come.

Environmental Impact of Insulation

Insulating homes not only contributes to energy efficiency and cost savings but also plays a significant role in reducing environmental impact. Understanding the environmental benefits of insulation can help homeowners make informed decisions about upgrading their homes. Here's an overview of the environmental impact of insulation:

Energy Conservation: Insulation helps to minimise heat transfer between the interior and exterior of a home, reducing the need for heating and cooling systems to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. By decreasing energy consumption, insulation reduces the demand for fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, thereby lowering greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.

Carbon Emissions Reduction: Heating and cooling account for a significant portion of residential energy use and associated carbon emissions. By improving thermal insulation, homeowners can significantly decrease their carbon footprint by reducing energy consumption and reliance on carbon-intensive energy sources. This not only benefits the environment but also contributes to global efforts to combat climate change.

Resource Conservation: Insulation materials derived from natural or recycled sources, such as cellulose or fibreglass, contribute to resource conservation by minimising the extraction of raw materials and reducing waste. Additionally, some insulation materials, such as cellulose and mineral wool, are manufactured using environmentally friendly processes that have minimal impact on ecosystems and natural habitats.

Improved Indoor Air Quality: Proper insulation helps to create airtight seals and barriers, preventing the infiltration of outdoor pollutants, allergens, and contaminants into the home. By maintaining indoor air quality, insulation contributes to a healthier and more comfortable living environment for occupants, reducing the risk of respiratory issues and allergic reactions.

Mitigation of Urban Heat Island Effect: In urban areas, excessive heat absorption by buildings and pavement can lead to the formation of urban heat islands, resulting in higher temperatures and increased energy demand for cooling. By incorporating insulation and reflective roofing materials, homeowners can help mitigate the urban heat island effect, reducing energy consumption, lowering ambient temperatures, and enhancing overall urban sustainability.

Promotion of Sustainable Building Practices: The incorporation of energy-efficient insulation aligns with sustainable building practices and green building certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). By prioritising insulation upgrades and energy efficiency measures, homeowners contribute to the adoption of sustainable building standards, reducing environmental impact and enhancing the long-term resilience of communities.

By investing in high-quality insulation and energy efficiency measures, you can significantly reduce your environmental footprint while enjoying long-term cost savings and improved comfort in your home. Ready to make a positive impact? Take the first step towards a greener planet by filling out our form today!

How Government Grants Can Help with Your Insulation Costs

You may be eligible for free home insulation through UK government grants, including the Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS) and the Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) scheme.

The Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS)

Initiated in April 2023, GBIS aims to deliver cost-effective insulation measures to a broad range of households, focusing on both broader and low-income groups, thereby enhancing access to insulation and contributing to quicker, more effective energy efficiency improvements across the UK.

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO4)

Active from April 2022 to March 2026, ECO4 targets the enhancement of insulation and heating systems in homes across the UK, with a focus on supporting low-income, fuel-poor, and vulnerable households. It facilitates the adoption of energy-saving measures, providing funding for upgrades like cavity wall, loft, and underfloor insulation. This scheme is instrumental in reducing energy bills and carbon emissions, making homes warmer, more comfortable, and environmentally friendly.

Brain Storming Session

Steps After Eligibility

  • If you're a tenant: we coordinate with your landlord to ensure all contributions and permissions are in place.
  • Home Assessment: Our assessors will visit to pinpoint the ideal energy solution for you.
  • Scheduling Your Installation:We arrange installation at your convenience, using verified installers to do the job right.

Quick, Essential Answers

Insulating your home offers numerous benefits, including reduced energy bills, improved comfort, increased property value, and environmental sustainability. By minimising heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer, insulation helps maintain consistent indoor temperatures, leading to lower heating and cooling costs. Additionally, well-insulated homes are more attractive to buyers and contribute to reducing carbon emissions and environmental impact.

Proper installation is crucial for the effectiveness and durability of insulation upgrades. It's essential to hire qualified and experienced professionals who follow industry best practices and comply with building codes and regulations. Before hiring an insulation contractor, ask for references, certifications, and warranties, and ensure that the contractor conducts a thorough assessment of your home's insulation needs. Regular maintenance and periodic inspections can also help ensure that insulation remains in optimal condition over time.

Several signs indicate that your home may benefit from insulation upgrades, including fluctuating indoor temperatures, high energy bills, drafts or cold spots, and excessive noise from outside. Additionally, homes with outdated or insufficient insulation may experience condensation on walls, mould growth, or difficulty maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures. A professional energy assessment can help identify areas for improvement and determine the most effective insulation solutions.

The energy savings achieved through insulation installation vary depending on factors such as the type of insulation, the existing energy efficiency of your home, and local climate conditions. On average, homeowners can expect to save anywhere from 10% to 50% on their heating and cooling bills after installing insulation.

The best insulation for your home depends on several factors, including your home's structure, existing insulation, and specific energy efficiency needs. Our professional team conducts a comprehensive assessment of your home to recommend the most effective insulation solution.

Eligibility for free insulation services is determined by specific criteria set by government schemes like the ECO4 Scheme and the Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS). You can discover your eligibility by completing our form, and potentially receive necessary upgrades at no cost.

They may cover the full cost of insulation or a part of it for eligible homes.

Yes, energy-efficient homes are often more attractive to buyers and may command a higher market price.

Insulation materials vary in longevity depending on factors such as material type, installation quality, and environmental conditions. Generally, high-quality insulation can last for several decades with proper maintenance. However, factors such as moisture exposure, pest infestation, and physical damage can affect insulation performance over time. Regular inspections and maintenance can help identify any issues early and prolong the lifespan of your insulation.

The disruption caused by insulation installation can vary depending on factors such as the size of the property, the type of insulation, and the complexity of the installation process. In most cases, experienced insulation contractors strive to minimise disruption to homeowners' daily routines by scheduling installations at convenient times and working efficiently to complete the project in a timely manner. The duration of the installation process can range from a few hours for simpler projects to several days for larger or more complex installations. Prior to beginning work, your chosen insulation provider should provide you with a clear timeline and outline any necessary preparations or accommodations to ensure a smooth and minimally disruptive installation experience.