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If you don’t already have a hot water tank, we will need to install one so that your heat pump can provide your hot water as well as heating your home. Another option is to install a Hybrid heat pump which works alongside your existing combination boiler so there isn’t a need for a hot water tank.

The size of your home determines which size heat pump is needed to produce heat as efficiently as possible.

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Unfortunately, we are unable to offer heat pump installations for flats, apartments or mid-terrace properties at this time.

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The 2024 Guide to Solar Panels for UK Homes

solar panels in uk

Are you interested in exploring solar panel options for your home? Solar panels capture sunlight to produce heat or electricity, offering energy to your living spaces in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way. Throughout this article we’ll cover all you need to know about solar panels for residential use. We'll explore the various models available, their benefits and drawbacks, and the most suitable systems for your home.

Understanding Solar Energy

Solar energy is now more accessible than ever in the UK. With 0% VAT on installations, the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) allowing homeowners to sell excess energy to the grid, and the ECO4 Scheme providing financial assistance for low-income households, it's a great time to consider solar panels. ByEco offers expert guidance and support throughout the process, making solar energy a convenient and beneficial choice for homes across England, Scotland, and Wales. Do you want to know if you are eligible? Simply fill out our form to find out.


For homes in the UK, solar panels typically cost between £5,000 and £13,000. The difference depends mostly on how many panels your home needs to meet its energy needs. For those looking to make the most of their solar investment by storing excess energy, solar batteries are a good option. These batteries, which are important for ensuring energy availability during times when there is less sun, can add £2,500 to £10,000 to the initial cost, depending on the battery's capacity and storage capabilities.

Benefit from UK Government Schemes

Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)

If you generate renewable electricity at your home or business, you can earn payment for any surplus energy not used, by selling it back to the grid. You will not be charged for the electricity you consume, nor will you receive payment for it.

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO4)

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) scheme, active until March 2026, targets the enhancement of insulation and heating systems in homes across the UK. It is available to homes that don’t have the income to install energy efficiency measures independently and facilitates the adoption of energy-saving measures.

How Solar Panels Work

Solar panels transform sunlight into electricity, an essential step towards greener living in the UK. They consist of photovoltaic (PV) cells , which absorb photons from sunlight, generating an electric current. This current is direct current (DC) and is converted to alternating current (AC) via an inverter, making it usable in homes or for feeding back into the grid. The process is clean, leveraging the abundant energy from the sun to power our daily lives. Solar technology not only reduces reliance on fossil fuels but also benefits from government incentives, like the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) and the ECO4 Scheme, supporting homeowners in the transition to sustainable energy solutions. This technology is a cornerstone of ByEco's commitment to facilitating energy-efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly options for UK households.

Types of Solar Panel Systems

In the UK, homeowners looking to harness solar energy can choose from several solar panel systems, each designed to meet specific requirements and setups. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels are celebrated for their efficiency and longevity. Monocrystalline panels, known for their high efficiency, owe their performance to the pure silicon structure. On the other hand, thin-film solar panels, while less efficient, offer versatility for unconventional surfaces where standard panels might not fit.

Additionally, for individuals keen on maximising their solar investment, integrating solar battery storage systems is a practical option. These systems store surplus energy produced during the day, making it available for use during nighttime or on cloudy days. It's important for homeowners to understand the different types of solar panel systems to make choices that best suit their energy needs and sustainability objectives. ByEco dedicates itself to aiding UK residents in navigating the transition to renewable energy, bolstered by programs like the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) and the ECO4 Scheme.

Are solar panels a smart investment?

For the majority of homes in the UK, the answer is yes. Solar systems effectively fulfil and even surpass household electricity demands, potentially generating up to 117% of a home's needs under ideal conditions. This excess production translates into substantial cost savings, lowering energy expenses and highlighting the financial benefits of solar energy. To better demonstrate how a solar energy system can lead to potential savings, here are some examples:

For a 2-bedroom home: A 3kW solar panel installation may result in savings of about £500 per year on electricity bills.

For a 3-bedroom home: a 4kW solar panel installation can lead to potential savings of approximately £770 on yearly electricity bills.

For a 4-bedroom home: A 5kW solar panel setup might result in yearly savings of approximately £900 on electricity expenses.

For a 5-bedroom home: A 6kW solar panel installation could result in annual electricity bill savings of around £1,200.

Why Choose ByEco?

ByEco leads the charge in renewable solar solutions, offering expert guidance and tailored systems to UK homeowners. Emphasising sustainable, cost-effective energy, we support your transition to solar power with a keen eye on maximising benefits and minimising costs. While solar panels come at a price, ByEco's commitment to affordability and environmental stewardship ensures you get the best value. Eligibility for schemes like ECO4 could further reduce expenses, making solar energy an attractive, accessible option for a greener future.

Embarking on Your Sustainable Journey

Begin your journey to a more sustainable home with ByEco. Our complimentary consultation will navigate you through the application process for the UK government-backed solar incentives, enhancing both the eco-friendliness and comfort of your living space.


Quick, Essential Answers

Yes, most UK homes can see significant energy production from solar panels, often generating more electricity than the household consumes under ideal conditions.

Savings can vary based on your installation size and energy usage. For example, a 3kW system in a 2-bedroom home may save about £500 annually, while a 6kW system in a 5-bedroom home could save around £1,200 each year.

Choosing the right solar panel system for your home involves considering several key factors. Our professional team ensures you receive a system that maximises efficiency and meets your energy goals by conducting a comprehensive assessment focusing on your home's energy requirements, the size of your property, and the amount of available roof space to ensure optimal sunlight exposure. Additionally, we evaluate the sunlight hours your location receives to recommend the most effective solar solution tailored to your specific needs. Fill out our form or contact us directly for a free consultation.

Yes, ByEco offers complimentary consultations to guide you through selecting and installing the right solar panel system for your home, including navigating government-backed solar incentives.

Absolutely. The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) pays you for surplus energy exported back to the grid, and the ECO4 Scheme offers financial support for energy-saving measures, including solar panels for eligible households.

Solar panels are designed for longevity, with many systems expected to last 25 years or more, making them a long-term investment in your home's energy efficiency and environmental footprint.